
    以下表列是從“Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference”書中整理出來的,雖然這本書是在說Ubuntu的,但是bash下的東西是相通的,透過一些簡單的組合快速鍵,會讓整個操作更流暢。


Key combinationDetails
Up/down cursor keyScroll through command history
Ctrl+left/right cursor keyMove cursor from word to word
TabAutocomplete command or filename/path
Ctrl+AMove to beginning of line
Ctrl+EMove to end of line
Ctrl+W/Alt+BackspaceDelete word behind cursor
Alt+DDelete word in front of cursor
Ctrl+UDelete to beginning of line
Ctrl+KDelete to end of line
Ctrl+YRestore text you’ve deleted
Ctrl+LClear screen (actually, this simply moves the prompt
to the top of the screen; existing commands are still visible
if the terminal window is scrolled)
Ctrl+CQuit current program
Ctrl+ZSwitch current program to background (see Job
Management section)
Ctrl+RSearch through command history
Ctrl+DLogout (technically, terminate input)
Ctrl+TSwap the two characters behind cursor

2 則留言:

  1. 非常實用的分享,趕快做筆記中.....

  2. 客氣了。歡迎多來交流哦!


dnf upgrade fails with Error: GPG check FAILED

 OS: Fedora 36 今天在做  dnf  更新的時候,突然有很多 package 都出現簽章問題無法更新。類似如下的錯誤訊息 .... is not signed. ...... is not signed. ......... is not...